Volunteers and Club Officials
The Cairns BMX club was established in 1978 and is one of the biggest BMX clubs in Australia.
We have an amazing team of dedicated Volunteers and officials who work tirelessly to ensure our club runs smoothly. If you would like to be a part of this amazing team, please find one of our team members who can point you in the right direction.
Volunteer Policy
The club has a policy that all adult riders or parents of riders are required to do 1 hour per month volunteering. This could be in the canteen, first aid (must have first aid/CPR certificate), working bees or officiating. Officiating must do the online course through AusCycling and provide photo ID and apply for a blue card through the club (for free) if haven't already got one.
Closed in shoes are mandatory for all volunteers for safety reasons.
The club is always appreciative of volunteers/club officials who assist on race days and working bees. Volunteers must be 18+years (16years must have an accredited adult official with them) and can assist in various duties.
Officials must do the online course through AusCycling and provide photo ID. A blue card is also mandatory and applications can be made easily through the club for free.
Current Volunteers and Club Official positions include:
Berm Commissaire
Staging, Bottom, Front, Top
Gate Starter
Chief Commissaire
Race Director
Team Manager
First Aid (must have certificate)
Working bee